Cover Up – by Damien Comerford – Review

You may ask yourself: why do I even need to read this ebook? Don’t I know everything it covers already? No, once you go through this novel you will realize that that what you already know might be just half-truths. The reason why such an ebook is strongly needed as amply illustrated in a very pithy saying of the author himself about the reasons behind the decline of investigative journalism, "It could be a reflection of the general decline in newspaper readership and revenue. It could be antipathy and ignorance." But for this ebook, there are so many things that we have not known about. For instance, we would not have known that an exceptionally bright light flashed by a mystery biker and a mysterious Fiat coming out of nowhere had as much big a role to play in the death of Princess Diana as the utterly inexplicable delay in giving her the medical treatment she desperately needed…or that Pope John Paul I’s death was anything but the result of a ‘heart attack’.

If the gritty and scathing account of Princess Diana’s death given here is not enough to get you all riled up, there is another surprise waiting for you: Henry Paul was nothing like how he was portrayed by the media. Princess Diana was perhaps the only member of British royalty for whom I had utmost respect because she dared to get out of her conventional mould and do something no other British princess would even dream of doing.

There are many other such mysteries included in this ebook, most of them chilling and none of them ‘cozy. Pope John Paul I’s death is probably the most mysterious of them all. The death of the US politician Ron Brown is probably the least sensational of the five stories, but that is not the author’s fault and I believe it all comes down to one’s personal taste.

I found the assassination of Rwandan President Habyarimana to be the most unique of the five events because his death was not that much of a surprise given the internal political turmoil of Rwanda (further incensed by the racist polices of the President himself) yet nobody did anything to prevent it because no one had one concrete evidence about the would-be killer ("We knew that Habyarimana was going to be killed. We did not know the identity of the person who was going to kill him, but we were familiar with the planning of his death."). Kudos to Mr. Comerford for trying to answer the mystery behind his death with as much honesty as possible.

I commend the author for his hard work, dedication and well, boldness, in daring to go above and beyond what is expected from a typical journalist. Please don’t skim this ebook; I suggest you read each and every page of it; it is THAT important. The ebook reads like a true crime novel that is a thriller at the same time and is bound to keep you on the edge of your seat.

In conclusion, I believe that Mr. Comerford should be lauded for his efforts. The extraordinary and rare photographs included in this ebook are alone worth the price tag. A very interesting and compelling work, it could be alternately titled ‘World’s Top 5 Dangerous, Buried Secrets’. I sincerely hope in the near future this ebook gets the fame it clearly deserves.

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