A Nun’s Journey

A Nun’s Journey is a memoir recounting events that began around the 1960’s America, a period that witnessed significant cultural and societal changes. Although this book is a true life story, it is packed with more emotions, suspense, and absolutely …

The Way We Were

This nonfiction is a true life story like no other, as Jimmy, alongside three other main characters recounted the fads, technology, politics and indeed the sights and sounds of that era complete with pictures!


Aside its entertaining value, the book is also an eye opener about lots of passive “behind-the-scene” activities that occurred during biblical times that were either wrongly reported or not reported at all. The author obviously researched deeply and the result …

Weeding Out the Riffraff

This book mirrors the sort of lifestyle a good number of African Americans pass through and is as intriguing as some of the best scripted fictional stories, but what makes it extraordinary is the fact that it all happened to …