Retribution: A Dish Served Cold

Chief Inspector John Daniels was a dedicated police officer who did his job with passion. However, all that changed when his only sister was gruesomely murdered by a disgruntled group, hell-bent on getting back at him. John realized it was time he quit the profession he enjoyed despite being due for promotion. His colleagues already advised him to let go and allow the law take its course. He wasn’t convinced that justice would be done considering the Little Brothers know how to beat the system. The least he could do for his dead sister is to ensure her murderers have their retribution.

Characters in the book include Elsie, Angela, Walker, Gillian, Brian, Stewart, Francis, Marlin, Ogilvy and Vince etc.

Unfortunately for John, he was up against a powerful and well-connected gang. Obviously, the odds weren’t in his favor. However, nothing will stop him from making the notorious Little Brothers pay for their evil deeds. The former Inspector understood he was embarking on a deadly mission—he would either succeed or die trying.

Meanwhile, since his pretty wife passed on, John had ‘married’ his work. Having quit his job, would gorgeous Angela fill the huge void or get in the way?

Now the stakes are so high, chances are it will only end in tragedy.

Retribution is a chilling crime story that will keep you at the edge of your seat.


BIO: Ron Sewell is a no-nonsense type of person. What you see is what you get. However, he is afraid of heights. He writes Adventure/Thrillers and flash fiction. He regularly contributes to flash fiction sites, and many of his short stories are published. As a taut as an anchor chain, his novels focus on thirty-five years of activity worldwide while serving in Royal Navy. Hence, it is an old-fashioned, carefully constructed writing with the correct dose of suspense and unexpected twists.
He is best known for his ‘Collector’ series, six books set in exciting locations.

Genre: Mystery, Suspense