Suit Up, Show Up, Shut Up

This is a concise book that was written in a down-to-earth devil may care way, yet it feels so refreshingly addictive to read. What makes it more interesting is the fact that it was penned down by someone who has actually passed through life’s school of hard knocks, slept on its bed of thorns and survived to tell the story!

In this book of just 55 pages, the author did a great job of revealing all there is to know on how one can effectively deal with the horrors of an unbelievable/irreparable loss, such as when faced with the death of a loved one.

Suit Up, Show Up, Shut Up, is a compendium on how to survive or help others to overcome grief peradventure they’re hit by life’s deadly blow.

Let’s face it, disaster often occur when we least expect and when they eventually do happen—either directly to us or close ones, the outcome can be devastating. However, you will either emerge from it as a total wreck or emotionally stronger. This small-but-mighty book can help make all the difference!

BIO: Sheila Hilliard is an advocate for those learning to live through and beyond life-altering events. She offers helpful advice and guidance in a practical, realistic and honest way. Her journey spans over 20 years, beginning with a life-altering diagnosis, the eventual loss of her husband and many years of trying to navigate her new normal. Sheila is an award-winning children’s grief advocate, a spokesperson for Eluna Network, appeared on Anderson Cooper’s daytime talk show, featured in The Philadelphia Tribune, WHYY Radio, Penn Wissahickon Hospice and is an Amazon best-selling author.

Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help