If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! You are welcome to re-publish my review on any website, blog or social …
I used to have a low opinion about sequels – I believed that they are inferior to their originals. However, after reading this author’s work I think I will …
I have read quite a number of horror and fantasy books. This one is a mixture of both genres, yet it is radically different from the previous horror or …
The beginning of the book, strangely enough, reminds of the very first passage of Bible (except that this book is written with a first person narrative): “In the beginning …
I believe that with a little change here and there this short story could be transformed into a powerful mouthpiece for ‘save the water’ campaign in OZ. Anyway, jokes …
This was an awesome read for me. Joel Ohman is some kind of a genius if you ask me. I have read a lot of dystopia books but most …
Amy used to be a hairdresser, that is, until she lost her job. How will she make ends meet now? When she goes to Nate to get a job, …
There are some good and bad things about this second ebook compared to the first one. The good thing is that the sexual chemistry between Nate and Amy is …
Told from the point of views of Spencer and Dylan respectively (the POV changes by chapter), the story takes off from where Dylan got hit while trying to save …
This is a very colorful and action-packed novel. If you like books on pirates and their adventures you will like it. I will tell you exactly what I liked …