A Classic Path through High School

In the growth trajectory of humans, the teenage years have been generally accepted as a period of turbulence when people are at their most adventurous phase. As a result, some people end up making serious mistakes that will eventually haunt them throughout their lifetime. A Classic Path through High School is an in-depth and well researched book written by a concerned author who wants to help teenagers avoid the pitfalls associated with that phase.

This book will no doubt help young people to increase their chances of attaining success and reaching their goals, if they can take certain steps as highlighted in the book.

The book is all encompassing, as it covered diverse areas such as philosophy, religion, history, and literature, each with critical lessons that can be a guild to young adolescents. It equally has drawings as well as index and notes to make its reading more enjoyable and easy to comprehend. It is highly recommendable for young people.

Genre: Children's, Non-Fiction, Self-Help