Globally, there is a general acceptance that the world we live today is under threat. Unrest, climate change, and global warming, among others have become a serious challenge. Yet, it’s quite shocking how governments and people in the developed countries choose to play politics or pay lip service to this existential threat.

Laura Fienor has gone the extra mile by providing a deep insight into what the future holds, if no urgent steps are taking now. We often hear about animals that are facing extinction but no one talks about the fact that humans are also on the brink of extinction! Fortunately, she did not only lament about our scary future, but also provided practical solutions toward averting the coming disaster.

The Cutting-Edge Ideas includes a more functional curriculum for schools that embraces current day realities. There are also cultural, philosophical and political dimensions, as well as personal mindsets that can bring about positive changes we all desire. It also highlighted the unfortunate situation of the seemingly forgotten native aborigines all over the world. Indigenous people whose lands were forcefully seized and till today, remains alienated.

This book has a total of 195 pages, including appendix and bibliography. However, the author was still able to go in-depth on enunciating the challenges facing us today while also providing workable solutions—it’s a highly recommendable book for the contemporary man!


BIO: Laura Fienor is an Australian author who writes about environmental and social justice issues; world philosophies; and mystical concepts. She is a passionate advocate for transforming legal and educational institutions in order to address systemic racism and generate more compassionate and aware societies. She has degrees in English and History, as well as a Master’s degree in Education with a focus on Futures Studies and traditional Indigenous knowledges.

Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help