Although on the face value, the book is ideal for young people but it was written in such a way that even adults will find it both enjoyable and beneficial.
If anyone is in a better position to write a book like this, that person is surely Ken Remsen—a well versed financial coaching expert and maths teacher.This book is highly recommendable for anyone that wants to live a happy life …
Leading with Grit is a book that would do a world of good to anyone that reads it and also practices what it preaches. Get one today for yourself or your loved one, and I’m positive you will appreciate it …
Aside the amazing ideas contained in Sales Demystified, one unique thing that stands this book apart from others is the communication style. Unlike some authors that are reprimanding in approach, here, the message is laced with candor which is quite …
Anyone who gets to read The Mortgage Loan Process from cover to cover will agree with me that it is the Magna Carta for mortgage financing, your sure guide!
This book is a must read for leaders, top executives, and managers as well as every other person that wants to have a hint of what the future will be between humans and AI.
Without doubt, this book is at best thought-provoking and probably alarmist on its flipside. It is that type of book that one could read several times over and yet still find it intriguing on each occasion.