In the Shadow of the Haymarket

This book is a true-life story, yet it’s as captivating as some of the best scripted fictional thrillers. It brings back to life, a forgotten past. A tumultuous era that helped the American society to evolve. A story that needs …

The Party at the End of the Rainbow

This book is highly recommended for anyone that wants to know more about the struggles of Blacks back in those days. It captured the endurance, brickbats, and shear suicidal bravery of Black youths that were determined to stop racial segregation …

The Founders’ Plot

This is a thrilling story that succinctly captures what goes on in the lives of politicians, the citizens and the illegal immigrants. While one end of the spectrum fights for supremacy, the other is embroiled in a struggle for survival.

The Great Game

The Great Game is the first book in the series of a science fiction set in the future, a time when humans are able to occupy different planets. This book is a thriller with no dull moment and pushes the …

All Men Are Created

All Men Are Created is indeed thought-provoking as it elicited intelligent questions that have remained unanswered over the years. The book is equally informative, complete with well-researched historical evidences and irrefutable facts.  Nobody should miss this eye-opener!

Taming The Tida

Taming the Tida is no doubt a thrilling fictional book, yet it feels more or less like a time travel into the future. It is a thought provoking book that can push the imaginations of the reader, especially in areas …

The Trump Affair – Part 1

Satirical books can be funny and often aimed at bringing to the fore, the bad character of a public figure. However, The Trump Affair is one hell of a classic book that is highly entertaining and could make you to …