Movies are enjoyed globally but not many could tell how much it has evolved. Today, movie watchers can easily go to the cinemas or just log in to Netflix to enjoy themselves. However, it hasn’t always been this way. The author of this book took its readers on a time travel to the early years of the movie industry, beginning from the era of racial segregation, through the world wars to contemporary times.
This book is a chronicle of movies and behind-the-scene activities during their production between 1928 and 2020. Due to concerns by the big players such as Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer about welfare of employees as well as antics of actors like Charlie Chaplin, there was need for a regulatory body. The Movie Academy Awards was developed for the purpose of encouraging excellence. In 1928, it gave awards in just few categories that included best picture, best movie of the silent era and best actor/actress.
Who still remember that movies were once acted without sounds? Or that people can easily get killed during filming; such happened during the making of Wings (a 1928 award winning movie). This is one book that will certainly elicit fond memories among the veterans. The younger generation will also be amazed at how different movies used to be.