The Anniversary Box

Marriage plan was already in full swing when Peggy suddenly realized she can’t get Michael to accept her ideas. Already, she knew they don’t share same worldview on some issues, but she had shrugged it off. The cat and dog attitude between them could have been a red flag but she aptly described it as the magnetic bonding effect of two unlike forces! Moreover, she can’t let go because they loved each other passionately. So, she decided to focus her attention on the bright spots.

Unknown to Peggy, her parents equally experienced similar challenges but they eventually overcame it with the help of an anniversary box. It took her parents 24 years to develop the anniversary box that enabled them to enjoy decades of great marital life. Luckily for her, the anniversary box was preserved somewhere. So she went looking for it and hopefully, it would help them to enjoy same great marital experience.

The Anniversary Box is an interesting love story with real life lessons.


Genre: Chick-lit