I am so glad to be able to review this ebook. I had no idea that I will actually end up helping myself! God knows I am a pessimistic person by nature and negative thoughts incubate in my mind in far greater number than positive thoughts. I have read a lot of self-help books but nothing like this. The solutions presented here are actually viable for ordinary people like me and not some esoteric mumbo-jumbo that only professional psychiatrists would understand. The anecdotes included in this ebook are especially helpful because they not only tell you about how a lot of famous names had once struggled hard and failed miserable many times before becoming the household names that they now are, but also of ordinary people who did not let even multiple failures get in the way of their dreams and eventually found success in their own niches!
In the opinion of the author (and I agree with her now) failures are not absolutes; rather, they are just like any other ailment which can be cured with proper strategies (no, you don’t need to spend several hundreds of dollars on prescription drugs). There are self-help exercises at the end of each chapter throughout the ebook: I personally suggest you print them all out: they are very important, especially the one on goal-setting.
In short, I would recommend this ebook to anyone who is down in the dumps.