The Snail’s Castle – by Mark Gordon – Review

I might be damned if I call this erotica but a few of the passages did indeed make me horny (notable one among them is below); yet they are so poetic that you won’t ever take any offense to them. I only wish this is the language all real erotica authors used in their books; notice how much tension and excitement between the two lovers is contained in this one paragraph; now that is what I call precision!

“When the clouds finally grew so large and dark and wet they could no longer hold their burden, sometime in late December, after the university had adjourned for Christmas holidays, they let go. Just as they surrendered, Rebecca Sloan, agile as an ermine, dancing on the tip of Jake Milson’s man-hood, moaned in the empty frat house, then let every bit of tension she had been saving fall, plummet like the first snowflake of winter. She fell on Jake’s chest, clutching his shoulders. “That was so good,” she said. ”

I only wish my partner said that to me 😀

Now if only you are not a casual reader then you would dig deeper and find out that the story is not just about lust but also of overriding ambition and revenge! After the initial ‘mess’ (you won’t know why I used that word if you don’t read the book), the plot gets tighter and more gripping with each page you turn – the characters, their surroundings all start to come alive before your very eyes.

The dialogs are truly exceptional and hypnotic; I already gave you one example above, but there are better ones such as this:

“”That’s very funny. What in the name of rain and earth are you apologizing for?”


“There you did it again! What a weak-kneed fellow, indeed.”

“I can assure you that I was quite powerful at one time. People depended on me.”

“And now, pitiful being, you are looking for the snail’s castle?”

“It’s not my choice. I’d rather be anywhere but here.””

The dialogs in this book, as you can see, really make the characters what they are. The atmosphere only adds further tension to an already dark story:

“One night around midnight, Jake heard noises in the backyard. He put down his book and ran downstairs. Someone was howling. Someone was racing around the backyard, screaming, lurching, smashing Bernie’s birdhouses. He smashed them as if they were nothing, as if they were made of twigs and matchsticks. Plastic splintered, pieces of wood went flying.”

The way the author paints a vivid picture of a character’s mental conflict is no less amazing:

“Papers. Papers. Papers. Papers on his desk. Foolscap. Papers on the floor. Notes from lectures. Papers bound in books. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. The Bard stared from the cover, his great round eyes like planets. He accused Jake of being a slug. Jake covered the playwright’s eyes with a sheet of lined paper. ”

The ensuing heated exchange of dialog is one of the highlights in the entire book (the reason why I love that particular chapter so much); you must not skim that chapter because it is quite a revealing chapter about the major players of the book.

Overall, if you want an out-of-the-ordinary tale of love and revenge, along with a healthy dose of eroticism, you simply cannot go wrong with this book!

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