The Maid of Bitmore Swamp

For seventeen years, the Bitmore Witch groomed her daughter so she could step into her shoes at the right time. However, Anya would have none of that, the outside world and all its attractions appealed to her more. She felt it holds far better prospects than being confined in a remote cave where she would be dealing with magic and other acts of sorcery.

Characters in the book include Bethelda, Anya, Mojito, Lord Ashmore, Bethany, Jessie, Viscount Randolph, Mr. Seymore, Adele, Anthony and Lord Reynolds etc.

Anya realized that things could be pretty difficult for her in the outside world considering she had literally lived all her life inside a cave in isolation with her mother. She was like fish that was thrown out of water. Maybe, it wouldn’t hurt to take up new identities as they try to navigate a new world. Unfortunately, the past always have a way of interfering……..

The Maid of Bitmore Swamp is sequel to Princess Adele another interesting book by the same author. This book is absolutely enjoyable!


BIO: I am a retired RN enjoying my retirement to the fullest. I like adventure, making friends, and travel. I have seven dogs and two cats. They are like having a house full of three-year-olds. Now for the rest of the story. I spend most of my time sitting in front of my computer, working on my latest book or talking about Essential Oils. On the personal side, I’m married to a wonderful man who spoils me, and I love it. I am very much a country girl. I love living on our five acres on Little Pole Cat Creek, watching the deer and other animals occasionally stick their heads out of the trees. It’s a fun life.

Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Paranormal
Series: Witches and Dragons |